Thursday - 27 March, 2025 +10 344 123 64 77

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Starbucks Salted Caramel Crunchie Chocolate Cake Recipe

Story behind this cake.... I made this for my sister in law Zakiyya's Birthday. It reminded me of her previous Birthday when we all waited in line for Starbucks to open. Boy!!! What a long queue... But it was worth it... Memories were definitely made!

Poor confused Starbucks teller...He thought he was experiencing a severe case of dejavu...  What can you expect when all the men in our house are named Muhammad...He served one coffee after another to each Muhammad in our family...LOLL...   I wish I had the video, the way he handled it though... Left us in stitches... By then everyone in Starbucks were singing Happy Birthday to Zakiyya... And seeing smiles on everyone's face especially Zakiyyas, was priceless!

So ofcourse I felt inspired and wanted to try to recreate a cake after the coffee we enjoyed with my own twist...

Starbucks Salted caramel crunchie Chocolate cake

1 and 3/4 cup flour
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup cocoa powder 
1 and 1/2tsp baking soda
3/4tsp salt
2 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk (or 1tblsp vinegar in 1 cup milk) 
115g butter melted
1 tblsp vanilla essence 
1 cup hot coffee (2tsp instant coffee in 1 cup boiling water) 

Fresh cream 500ml 
Crunchie chocolate x2 or more if you like 
1 slab wholenut chocolate 
Almonds roasted or other nuts... 

Grease either 3 round cake tins or 2.... But should have little left over... As this recipe is for 3...
Preheat oven to 175deg

In large bowl, mix the dry ingredients, then add the eggs, buttermilk, melted butter and vanilla essence... Beat till smooth... About 3mins.

Then add hot coffee and mix with spatula. Batter will be runny.. Pour into tins and bake for 35mins..

Heat a tin of nestle caramel treat on stove top on low heat and add half or 1 teaspoon salt(taste as you go)  and mix well till smooth.. Till salt dissolved.. 
Whip 500 ml fresh cream with 6 tablespoons sugar and half teaspoon vanilla essence. 
Now add the melted caramel sauce to one layer and top with chopped Cadbury crunchie, roasted nuts, and Cadbury wholenut chocolate... Top with Cream.  Add your next cake layer and then coat the entire cake with fresh cream.. 

Heat the caramel slightly... Just till warm..mix and pour slowly on the top of the cake.. Use a skewer stick to make swirls with caramel and fresh cream...It's ok if it drips over the cake.. You can do it as you like...  And then top with chopped crunchie, wholenut chocolate and nuts.. 

Try other topping options like popping candy, snaxells choc Stix, caramel or other gourmet popcorns, peanut brittle(break into uneven shards and top the cake with the standing shards) toffee or caramel sweets... Fillings can be jam and fresh cream, or First Choice Velvet chocolate flavoured dairy dessert that's new and comes in a box... Should be in the custard section of your local grocer. 

Zakiyya loved the cake! We all did, so I'm sure you will too!  

By the way, Zakiyya makes Couture cakes and bakes, so if you'd love to see her creations, or have her make your special bake, follow her on instagram... Click here.. Couture Cakes and Confections by Z

Pic courtesy of Starbucks

Ramadaan is just a few days away. I cannot believe it! It will also pass by so quickly, so do your very best to make as much ibaadah as possible with a clean and sincere heart,  and may Allah accept our ibaadah, zakaah, sadqah and our fasts.. Make the most of it! It's a gift and it's freedom from the fire... What more can we ask.. InshaAllah ameen... All the very best... And lots of love and duas from me, as always!

Next up will be more on the HFWSA.... And I get cooking with aniseeds?? 


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