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Tuesday, February 23, 2016


What�s in the box?

�My Skin Health Journey!� and a box of �magic!� as describes it.

It is a starterpack filled with complimentary Nimue Skincare products ( as stocked and used by high end spas and skin clinics) and a voucher for a specialized treatment (free pampering!) and in addition, a travel sized product. Nimue's signature phrase is "the science of beautiful skin".

Products are as follows:
1 x Nimue cleansing gel 30ml
1 x Nimue Conditioner Tonic 30ml (a toner)
1 x Nimue Day cream 30ml
1 x Nimue Moisturiser plus 30ml (night cream)
1 x Enzyme exfoliator 30ml
Quite a few gauze
1 x SPF 40 UVA UVB sun protection Professional
and the cherry on top a  1 x Complimentary Active Rejuvenation Treatment to the value of R490 and a travel size Phase 2 Active Lotion

I was so excited when I found out I was selected for this gorgeous Nimue Campaign by Rubybox! Thankyou so much Rubybox  and Nimue! and best of all I got to nominate a friend to receive one too. I nominated my cousin, who will also try her Nimue starterpack and give me feedback on her journey.

If you have been reading my posts for a while now, you know that I love skincare and areas specializing in it. 

The current state of my skin however, has me running for my shades, even on dull days, and avoiding eye contact. I never thought I would ever say that, but I recently found myself allergic to certain types of fizzy drinks or meds that fizz like Cal C Vita, Corenza C, Aquelle (ooh how I hate that I have to forsake honey melon and litchi). I never really drank fizzy before, other than Appletiser, but with the heat in Jozy and having caught every bug out there, I felt justified. 

I break out into pimples that do not have an expiration date, and being someone that doesn�t really get acne, I gave it 2 weeks and I did what I preach no one should do�I bust the bugger�except it didn�t bust�all I did was damage my skin and the problem was much deeper. While I have gotten that under control, with lots of water and avoiding the fizzy, I was left with pigmentation from that memorable bugger, which I wore, even on my brothers wedding day. 

So fast forwarding, I need to get my skin back in shape, and I�m doing it with the Nimue starterpack.

I actually feel like I have a personal skin coach with the Nimue Ap (which is available for both android and ios). I first installed the ap and did the skin classification survey/ test to determine my skin type. Mine was Environmentally damaged, and having been selected for the campaign, Rubybox and Nimue sent me a starter pack tailored to suit my skin classification�.How awesome is that?

The Nimue ap is interactive and easy to use and allows you to journal your journey. So I have taken my Day 1 pic or before and will share my progress with you as I go along and dish out on the complimentary treatment to follow.

Nimue has a 3 phase skin health program which you can embark on too, by downloading the app, determining your skin classification and then purchasing phase 1 from your nearest stockist...try the The Laser Beautique.

The phases:

Phase 1: Prescribed homecare products that support the second phase or prepare the skin for the second phase(the products as per my starter pack but tailored to your skin classification)

Phase 2: Prescribed, professionally administered products to treat the skin within the deeper layers (ie. the active lotion/gel, I get to try a complimentary travel size)

Phase 3: professional treatments (such as the complimentary Active Rejuvenation treatment)

You are probably wondering about the gauze?

Nimue prefers gauze to cotton wool and wipes, as they assist in the natural exfoliation action. It takes a bit of getting used to but is gentler than you think.

To find out more about Rubybox and Nimue...Click on the links below and be sure to sign up for the Rubybox newsletter, download the Nimue ap and find out your skin classification, follow the instructions and you could just get a free starter pack suited to your skin as well;)

All the best! (",)



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