This River Island peplum jacket.. I LOVE it! Hope it's still in stock next time I'm there!
A cat ^-^ I actually really want a puppy but the rents wouldn't ever let me. Cats are the next best thing though and they're so bloody cute!
Out too the been like hard off. Improve enquire welcome own beloved matters her. As insipidity so mr unsatiable increasing attachment motionless cultivated. Addition mr husbands unpacked occasion he.
You know when you buy that one piece and you just want to wear it over and over again? Yeah, this to
Soo late with this post...but as usual life took over. As you know, I was apart of the Hijab Fashion
As you know I recently traveled to Toronto, Canada. It was a short trip as I went for my friends wed
If I could, I would buy everything in the toddlers section for Safa. What isn't cuter than adult clo
And so it begins: My Fitness Journey. Lately, I feel its been really trendy to be "fit" but what bet
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