9. Those clear, crisp, fresh mornings that you get in Autumn 10. When you get to the till and the thing is cheaper than you expected. I probably get a bit too happy to be honest. 11. If this blog was not about fashion, it would be about cars. I. Love. Cars. If you have a blog and are bored, do this post and then link it in the comments, it'd be interesting to read other peoples! Also, I'm not feeling very inspired in the way of fashion post ideas, so if you have any please do them leave too. Hope you're all having a good weekend :) |
Saturday, December 1, 2012
11 things I really love
I thought I'd balance out the '11 things I really hate' post with one equally self-centred :D
1. My mum. Obviously :)
2. Have you ever met someone and liked them instantly, like you've been friends with them forever? I've only ever had that with one person, but it's the nicest feeling.
3. Music. Cliche perhaps, but I love it.
4. Do you know when you laugh until your cheeks and tummy hurt so much that you just can't anymore? That's so fun! Although for some reason it rarely ever happens now I'm 22 :(
5. The films Pride and Prejudice, Atonement, Shawshank Redemption and
6. If I have a problem, I sometimes open the Quran randomly. I've found it almost always opens at a very insightful iya, it's so comforting.
7. Clothes, bags, shoes.. in case you haven't noticed..
8. eBay, Amazon and ASOS - probably where I do 99% of my online shopping
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