Friday, November 23, 2012
Just to get some things straight
In light of some recent comments made across this blog I want to set the record straight on a few things:
1. This blog is not intended to tell you how you should or should not wear your hijabs, or doing anything else for that matter. Quite frankly, I don't care if you choose to walk around in a headscarf and a mini skirt or a full-on tent.
2. I personally dislike the niqaab, I think it is unnecessary and purely cultural - I will always hold this opinion so please deal with it somewhere outside of the comments section.
3. I don't hate Jews or any single group of people. I do hate anyone that oppresses another human being, be they Jewish, Muslim or anything else.
4. If you feel that music, style, perfume, makeup, colour and/or non-abaya-wearing hijabis are haraam, don't tell me about it. I have better things to do than read and reply to your essay.
5. If you feel that my blog is haraam because I am encouraging people to "copy kafirs" and wear "haraam clothes", don't tell me about it. I have better things to do than read and reply to your essay. Like figure out which colour stilettos will best go with my jeggings that day.
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