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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Eid Looks

salaam ladies!

Can't believe Eid is right around the corner!  Feels like yesterday I was trying to survive my first fast but alhamdulilah Ramadan went by so quickly. I love love love Eid because of course all the amazing food, family and friends and of course all the amazing outfits!  In the spirit of Eid, I wanted to share some ideas on what I would wear! I usually wear shalwar kameez but sometimes I'll wear wear 'American' to Eid Salah as well :)

1. Maxi/Jumper with Blazer

Jumpsuit: Maggy London
Blazer: Urban Outfitters
Clutch: Boutique
Scarf: H&M
Instead of the just wearing a maxi and blazer idea, she brilliantly pairs this chic jumpsuit with a white blazer and adds a splash of mustard. Jumpsuits are hard to pull off but if done right as pictured above can give a simple yet classy look--perfect for Eid! :) However, since jumpsuits are hard to find for everyones body type and their budget, one can easily replace the jumpsuit with a chiffon maxi!

2. Skirt with Blouse
Black and Pink                 Eid
Blouse & Pleated Skirt: Dor L' Dor  Boutique 

This is probably my favorite Eid Look! This also  is the easiest to put together out of all. Blouses like the one pictured above can be found in many stores especially Forever 21 in a variety of colors from Mint, Orange, Pink, Black, Green...and the list goes on! Skirts were easy to find in the summer but are getting a little harder as Fall approaches. If they do exist its the annoying sheer ones.  (pet peeve for most ladies these days!) Even if you have a simple black skirt you can add a bright colored blouse or scarf and spice it up with some accessories. This also covers everything and accentuates the waist giving a slimming and sophisticated look for Eid!

3. Desi Outfit

Lastly I wanted to share how I would wear/style a desi outfit. I wore this outfit on Eid-al-Adha last year. It's a little harder to style desi outfits because there's usually so much design and print on the outfit itself. This is why everything else should be plain. One thing that irks me is printed hijabs with shalwar kameez! If you wear a printed scarf with shalwar kameez, its most probably going to take away from the beauty of the outfit itself. So you wanna make sure you pick a plain color to make the outfit look nice. Most of the time the design will be on the top--which gets a little annoying considering the hijab is usually there. My brilliant cousin brought this idea to tuck in the scarf in the kameez (shirt)! It's pretty simple to do. (mini hijab tutorial) First is you need a smaller size scarf. I usually use chiffon or a very thin shawl so less bulky after you tuck it in. After you pin your scarf as you would like it, simply tuck in the right end and pin it to a tank/bra so it stays in place. And the other end that came around your head simple tuck in behind your kameez. This way you shouldn't have much bulk. If you guys would like a tutorial, iA I can do one before Eid:)

I hope this helps when you're putting together your outfit. I know its pretty basic but many people suggested this topic. On a side note, coincidentally Dina Toki-o also did a 'what to wear for Eid' post today so check that out as well. She's definitely one of my inspirations :)

Also, here are some places you could find a lot of these items:)

1) Maxi Dress/Jumpers
Black Jumper
Pleated Dress
Pleated Dress 2

2) Skirts
Maxi Pleated Skirt (my favorite!!)
Black Skirt

3) Blouses
Button back Blouse
Plain Blouse Forever 21
Plain Blouse H&M

I'm sure by now you've figured out what stores I love to shop at!! :) My next post will be on Eid or the day after. I'm not only going to post my outfit but little snippets of my Eid day:)

until then,
keep it classy


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