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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Gamboo3a: Love it or Shove it?

I shan't be diplomatic about this.. I hate them. I literally can't stand those tacky flower clips that hijabis seem to have gone crazy over.

Besides making it look like you have a really abnormal body fat distribution, the thing which I really don't get about the gamboo3a is that it is fairly pointless whichever way you choose to look at it. I mean I presume that women are wearing them in order to tell people - men in particular - that they have masses of luscious hair underneath their scarves. But nobody in their right mind thinks it's hair and men don't find it attractive. They find it weird, like everybody else.

I have never seen a girl make a gamboo3a look good, and I have seen many hijabis use them. It just makes them look 1. really disproportionate and 2. like they are begging for attention, because I for one notice the abnormally huge bun before anything else.

I am not going to get into a religious "Camel hump" debate about this, I personally wouldn't sit hear calling it haram, because by saying that you are basically stating that it is a punishable act. I really don't know about that.  

Perhaps I am totally wrong and behind the times and maybe I have completely lost touch with what it means to be stylish and the gamboo3a is actually a fashion breakthrough. And maybe electric cars will actually catch on and Saudi Arabia will make it to the cup final. Maybe.


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