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Monday, September 4, 2017

One Top: Two Cultures

You know when you buy that one piece and you just want to wear it over and over again? Yeah, this top is that piece. Its hijab friendly and oh so flattering. I know there is some rule you can't wear white after Labor Day, but who cares? I say get it! It's a perfect.

6:53 PMmuslimRead More

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Soo late with this post...but as usual life took over. As you know, I was apart of the Hijab Fashion week South Africa. It took alot of preparation for just 2 days of awesomeness, and I will speak more on that in my next post. Well more likely share loads of.

4:15 AMmuslimRead More

Monday, August 14, 2017

Travel Diaries: Toronto

As you know I recently traveled to Toronto, Canada. It was a short trip as I went for my friends wedding. I really wish had another day or two as I couldn't do everything I had intended but still had a great time! My favorite part about Toronto was how nice everyone.

2:24 PMmuslimRead More

Monday, August 7, 2017

What's in Safa's Closet: 5 Must Haves for Toddlers

If I could, I would buy everything in the toddlers section for Safa. What isn't cuter than adult clothes in mini size? It definitely is easy to want to buy everything. I try mostly to only buy casual clothes for daily wear and buy one or two occasion outfits.

2:15 PMmuslimRead More